Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Jalan Kita...Pemikiran Merdeka...

Cadangan untuk menyelaraskan jadual semester IPT Tempatan berasaskan IPT luar negara adalah baik (Rujuk http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/120299). Pada dasarnya memberi peluang kepada rakyat asing menuntut di sini.

Persoalan pula timbul, apakah kepentingan pelajar luar negara perlu difikirkan? Saya percaya jika kita terbaik dalam soal akademik tidak timbul soal menarik pelajar luar. Apa yang penting adalah rakyat dan keberhasilan Negara menghasilkan rakyat yang berpendidikan tinggi melebihi kepentingan 'orang luar'.

Jika kerana ingin mengikut kehendak dan permintaan atau sengaja memikirkan untuk 'orang luar', sehingga menjejaskan sistem persekolahan yang kukuh, itu tidak wajar. Kita perlu memantapkan perkara lain dan meneroka bidang akademik yang belum diterokai di Negara kita. Perkara sedia ada-baik diterima rakyat tempatan, cuba diubah, pada hemat saya membuang masa dan tenaga.

Kualiti Terbaik menghasilkan permintaan yang terbaik juga. Jika kita ubah kemasukan ke IPT Tempatan selaras dengan IPT Luar Negara, persoalan timbul, adakah menjamin tujuan tercapai yang menguntungkan pelajar tempatan? Jika baik, teruskan, Jika tidak... fikirkan perkara lain pula.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Penangan Facebook...

FACEBOOK... suatu hal yang pasti waktu cuti panjang begini... kita bermuhasabah tentang apa yang kita lakukan sepanjang tahun ini. Dalam hal sebegini...kita akan teringat tentang perjalanan kita sehingga ke tahap ini. Persoalan timbul.."Huh..bagaimana boleh sampai sini?" atau "Bagaimana boleh ada di sini?".

Facebook telah membawa saya bertemu dengan rakan-rakan yang pada fikiran saya tak mungkin akan bertemu lagi. Sukar... untuk membayangkan bertemu melalui alam siber. Siapa sangka? Kekasih lama, teman lama, kawan lama, sahabat lama, musuh lama dan sebagainya.

Dalam hal kekasih lama ini... memori silam terbayang-bayang. Pertimbangan amat perlu untuk memastikan kenangan manis berdua itu tidak menjejaskan kehidupan semasa. Bak kata pepatah" Yang dikendong keciciran, Yang dikenang,dicari tak dapat". Apa jua tujuan pun seperti yang dilakukan oleh salah seorang sahabat lama cukup menjaga perhubungan semasanya melebihi kawan lamanya. Bagi saya perkara itu cukup dimengertikan kerana hati manusia tidak dapat dijangkakan apa tindakan yang boleh dilakukan selepas itu.

Begitu juga ia akan memberi peluang , 'lesen' untuk bergiat aktif yang lebih kepada unsur negatif di masa akan datang. Apatah lagi jika ada di antara rakan 'Facebook' yang pernah melalui fasa kegembiraan yang tidak positif. Tentu akan timbul rasa "Tak apalah kawan-kawan sahaja". Berhati-hatilah, mungkin kecil atau tiada apa-apa, kita juga harus faham perkara sebegini wajar dijauhi untuk mengelak perkara lebih besar. Kepercayaan adalah sesuatu yang berharga, sekali tercalar..sukar untuk diperbaiki walaupun calarnya kecil tapi mencacatkan pandangan. Hilang sabar atau prasangka akan menyebabkan 'cermin' atau 'benda' tercalar itu akan diganti yang baru.

Begitu juga, jika melalui fasa pergaduhan atau fasa berselisih pendapat..kemungkinan timbul akibat facebook akan dijadikan suatu isu. Orang yang marah, hilang akalnya. Pesan saya berhati-hatilah, segalanya di tangan kita, jangan pula menyalahkan takdir selepas ini. Lebih baik beringat sebelum kena. Ingatlah kecil bagi kita, mungkin besar bagi orang lain. Tak berbaloi!

Friday, May 1, 2009


my brother's gift

Assalamualaikum wbr, Hi ,

The short holiday this friday through saturday giving a chance for short vacation including attending wedding ceremony, khenduri. In sequel for loving romance relationship, that peak in marriage.
I presumed that most of us will get busy for so many things when khenduri are held. Even for those that chartered to entrepreneurs for preparation of wedding days still have others thing to do.

my wedding day with both family

I imagine how it to be alike if the ceremony in small sized just invited few friends, neighbours and kins. I felt it is not satisfied. Pepole says small budgeting small debts. I tell you it is not what we think alike what we thought. The coming days arrived, we have so many ideas then felt loss, unsatisfied.

Picture 1:my brtoher waiting to be a husband
Picture 2: I'm a husband...

Actually, after inviting particular people to joint the ceremony. We think that need extra things, then we invited more invitation, it become big, bigger and biggest.

my wife for 7++ years

In Islam, our prophet, quoted, that we need to do a khenduri for wedding as minimal as a goat being menu for the day. So, do not need to over expenses for fullfil the desired. But, it's hard to say, it really need good strenght hold the principe without too think for what people says, even, they are not saying anything.

Especially for those who have high power purchased, it is even harder to do a small khenduri. However, the important things... is happiness for the whole life thinking the memories of wedding days. Some how it will given the strenght in the relationship by open the album or film showing how happy we are when there is issues that not settled or some argued arised

Congratulation to my brother for men's side wedding day on 2 Mei 2009.

Friday, April 24, 2009

The 4th Months Job Story

Hi and Assalamualaikum wbr...
I'm so glad to write this time for so long not concerned my personal blog. Perhaps, maybe perhaps some how good returned for all of us(?).
I'm being urged to give notes today because Mr. Naim have asked my blog not updated for so long. Yes, I'm still same as before busy...really busy with school tasks that never end. I'm being appointed as PPDa's in charged. Then, I'm busy for further on. But quiet wierd, I'm not feeling bored like before.
I think because of new school and new excitement encourage me to follow with the rules. What rules? Hahaha... It's quiet diffcult to answer.
As I said before early year, that I'm very humble person and just to have peace of minds. Please guys... We just earn for a leaving right? But for me as working in this noble field, I'm glad to say, I'm satisfied and I'm pleased with my boss, my management pupils, teachers and ofcause my students... Opps! Yes, I'm a teacher and try very hard and delicated to be a good teacher. Try very hard to teach my students and perhaps help them seeking bright futures.
Acknowledgement for those just read or my new followers please visit www.ppdasktd.blogspot.com. Special blog for my school that perhaps give a huge an advantage to gain award and recognition for state and national level.
I just tried aggresively with fully awareness of pupils negative assumptions, I just new here and still learning in accomodate searching suitablelity in this new environment ecspecially with human here...hahaha what a words. Sorry guys, I',m appologize, I just write with my heart not with my brains to care with grammitically in-term.
Bye-bye then.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Year Desires


First at all, I'd like to give my thanks very much to my previous school community for giving me such experiences that will never forget for the whole of my life. I'm very appreciated person that will remember everything goodness or unfortunate events. But for sure for my ex-school always for the best memories.

I'm so relief and being glad to say that new school or new places for us to be there somehow is good for us. New environments, new friends, new pupil met... somehow give new perspective in our new life. Especially for this new year,2009.

Another things that, we can assure whither our skills develops and gains before are truly assisted us to be an island or trash at another places. Perhaps, I'm being reembark to be one of the model that appreciated most, not the hate most. I'm humble person and just to be or to have mind peace.

Just for information... will try until the time is running to stop. Wassalam wbr